For a brief moment one would think that they had visited The Garden before the eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil…such an innocence, purity, unity, and simplicity. One starts to understand what Jesus meant when He said –“Lest you come as a little child.”
Yes…I am talking about the Philippine Church that Pastor Larry Perkins and Nathan Bennett visited. Pastor Perkins was the guest speaker at the thirty-eighth Anniversary Conference for the Jesus Churches in the Philippines…held in Antipolo.
Joining with the Jesus Churches was the group led by Brother Higdon under the banner of Harvest Apostolic Ministries, Inc. Brother Higdon had requested before his death that Brother Perkins take over the leadership of Harvest Apostolic Ministries, Inc. Pastor Larry Perkins was unanimously approved by the attending Pastors as the new leader and Bishop of HAMI.
The great difference in the Philippine Jesus Church and most American Churches is the blessing of poverty which keeps most of the worldliness out of the Jesus Churches…many of them have never been to the big cities, never been to a shopping mall, and have no TVs or computers…and finally, have the advantage of no disability insurance or welfare checks.

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We had a wonderful, successful Revival at the Antipolo Mission this September 9th-11th.
We needed to use the whole front, and down the aisle, and move back the benches to make room for all those that went to the altar. Many were filled with the Holy Ghost. That was the Sunday morning service, September 11th, (9/11). It was a great move in the Spirit of God! We were all very Blessed to have Pastor Perkins, Brother Nathan Bennett and Brother Don Berkey be with us to share at this time in the Philippines.
We had to remove the side walls of the church and put a tent up in the courtyard to accommodate the people that came. About 500 people were feed after the Sunday morning service.
The Minister's Seminar was a big success, and the ministers were all charged up as they returned to their missions around the Philippines. The Elder's Meeting was also a Great Success. Reports of 27 Baptized in Jesus Name, 35 Babies dedicated, and many many filled with the Holy Ghost Praise Jesus for all the good reports.
There were testimonies of healings, including one Pastor with a severe Gall Bladder attack who was healed.
Sis. Penny Ambler